An open letter from our CEO – redevelopment of MCS

Today I am writing to each installer to provide an update on where we have got to with the redevelopment of MCS and what the next steps are. 

Since our consultation on a series of proposed changes to MCS last summer, which many installers responded to, and following our response to this feedback in September, we have been working behind the scenes to bring forward changes to make improvements to MCS. 

We’ve been working hard to deliver a new MCS that is fit for the future and accommodates the feedback that you, our certified Installers have given us. We are committed to working together to drive up Standards and improve consumer protections. I think when you see the new scheme you will agree that we have made it more accessible, fairer and less focused on your paperwork and more about the quality of your delivery. My commitment is that we’ll be supportive and recognise the great work that the vast majority of Installers do, but that we won’t shy away from holding to account those Installers who routinely deliver poor results for their customers. It is their actions that negatively affect the reputation of our sector, which challenges consumer confidence. You can read about the main elements of the redeveloped Scheme here. 

Our plan is for the new year to bring in the new MCS. We are now aiming to launch in January 2025. We had hoped to be ready this summer, however due to the unprecedented scale of the changes coupled with our commitment to ensure this is delivered to the highest quality – we won’t rush this. I really don’t want to disappoint you with the delay and I want to reaffirm the strength of our conviction in driving to change MCS for the better.  


What will happen next? 

We’ve made fantastic progress to ensure that the new MCS is ready to go. Over the summer and autumn, we will be working to finalise the finer details of the new scheme. We will also be working with your chosen Certification Body to ensure that they are ready to offer you the new MCS in the new year.  

To ensure the transition is as smooth as possible, you will need to carry on with current Scheme requirements until your Certification Body gives you the option to transfer to the new Scheme. This includes maintaining membership of a consumer code for now. 

As we get closer to the end of this year, we will publish the new Scheme documentation and provide lots of guidance to help explain how the new MCS applies to you. We will help you and your Certification Body transition and we’ll provide more details on what this looks like nearer the time  

This is a start to a series of communications we have planned for the remainder of this year. I will be writing to you again with further progress updates to keep you updated.    

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact MCS on 0333 103 8130 or via email: 

Alternatively, please come and see me at InstallerSHOW in Birmingham where I will be sharing an update on the new Scheme on Tuesday 25th June at 1.00pm, at the InstallerPLAZA. We will also be hosting a drinks reception that day to answer any questions you may have, so please do join us at 4.00pm on our stand (5E76). 

In the meantime, I hope business is good and that you find some time for a break this summer.  

Best Regards, 
