Changes to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

In summer 2023, the government held a consultation to seek views on proposed changes to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) in order to encourage greater uptake of low-carbon heating systems and provide a simpler consumer offer.

On 14 March 2024, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) announced some significant changes to the BUS based on the consultation responses. The changes to the scheme come into force today, 8 May 2024.


In summary, the BUS changes:

  1. Retain the requirement for a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) generated in the last 10 years but remove the requirement to have no outstanding recommendations for loft and cavity wall insulation on the EPC.
  2. Future-proof the regulations by differentiating grant levels for properties off the gas grid and self-build properties. The government do not intend to vary the grant levels for these properties when the regulations come into force but will be able to do so in future if necessary.
  3. Introduce biomass boilers with an integrated cooking function as newly eligible for support.
  4. Increase the threshold for shared ground loops for ground source heat pumps from 45kW to 300kW. The threshold for a single installation will remain at 45kW.
  5. Amend the approach to commissioning dates: an application won’t be eligible if made for a system which has been commissioned more than 120 days ahead of the application (previously any system installed after the scheme launch was eligible).

For more information on the changes to the BUS, please click here.

If you are looking for a BUS registered installer, please use our ‘find a contractor tool’ here, alternatively, if you are an installer looking to become registered with the Boiler Upgrade Scheme you can sign up and apply here.