MIS 3007 update published

MCS has published an updated version of MIS 3007 – the Installation Standard for Micro-CHP

MIS 3007 v4 simplifies the standard, combining the previous heat-led and electricity-led Micro-CHP standards into one document.

It also clarifies the language used to create a clearer and more straightforward document for contractors to use.

Please note, as the new standard deals with both types of Micro-CHP, we have now removed the mention of Add-On Micro-Cogeneration units as part of the simplification process.

The changes were agreed in conjunction with the MCS Micro-CHP Working Group.

To access the standard, please visit the MCS Standards & Tools Library or click the link below. Any queries should be sent to meetings@mcscertified.com.

MIS 3007 v4