Are you set for SEG?

Don’t leave it to chance – you NEED an MCS certificate to guarantee access to your energy providers export tariff. There is no other scheme that covers products and installers accredited in accordance with ISO17065.

Ofgem have published their SEG guidance for energy suppliers, which clearly states:

4.6: For PV, wind and micro-CHP installations up to 50kW, generators should demonstrate that the installation and installer are suitably certified. An applicant may have an installation certificate to demonstrate this. This may be a Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certificate, but the SEG recognises other schemes may be equivalent to MCS.

4.7: The Supply Licence Conditions (SLCs) define an equivalent scheme as a scheme accredited in accordance with EN 45011 or EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012.

4.8: If a generator is unable to demonstrate that their installation is suitably certified, a SEG licensee is not obliged to offer payments under the SEG, but they can make payments if they wish.

Read the full guidance here.