Consultation: MCS 007 The Heat Pump Product Standard
1 February 2023
MCS 007 has been substantially re-written to accommodate several changes, the most significant of which is the consideration of raising the minimum performance benchmarks for heat pumps above those of statutory requirements, a potential first for any MCS product standard. In addition to this, the requirement to publish heat capacity and sound power level performance data to the MCS Installations Database (MID), and the introduction of solar-assisted, air-to-air and hybrid heat pumps to the scope of the standard.
This update explores emphasising MCS as a voluntary mark of quality that goes above and beyond minimum statutory requirements for heat pump products installed under the scheme. It will also provide easy access to valuable heat pump data on the MCS Product Directory, without the need to sift through technical data sheets on manufacturer websites. And finally, it acknowledges the role hybrid heat pump units and systems can play in the electrification of heat where a heat pump only solution isn’t feasible.
MCS would now like to invite comments on the proposed update from stakeholders.
The deadline for submitting comments on this consultation is 12.00pm on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Please find the draft of the updated Standard below and the MCS HP Performance Benchmark Proposal, which outlines what the new performance benchmarks would be, and the advantages/disadvantages of implementing them. It provides an impact assessment of the number of existing MCS certified products that would be affected by the changes proposed, based on the data available within the MCS Installation Database (MID) as of the date of publishing (28 November 2022).
We invite you to send consultation responses to using the forms provided: